The Literary Masterpiece: Autobiography “Apna Gareban Chaak”
Justice Dr.Javed Iqbal, Autobiography , Intellectual & Literary Masterpiece, Political History of Subcontinent, Movement of Pakistan, Political History of PakistanAbstract
In Urdu literature, Dr. Javed Iqbal's autobiography "Apna Gareban Chaak" stands as an intellectual and literary masterpiece that eloquently narrates the life, thoughts, and experiences of a towering personality. This autobiography is not merely a personal narrative but also serves as a mirror reflecting the social, political, and intellectual history of the Indian subcontinent. The author candidly and honestly recounts various phases of his life, including his early years, the challenges he faced as the son of Allama Iqbal and his own intellectual and practical struggles. Dr. Javed Iqbal particularly portrays the personality and influence of Allama Iqbal in a profoundly captivating manner, aiding readers in understanding the continuity of Allama Iqbal's intellectual legacy. The most striking aspect of Javed Iqbal's autobiography is his intellectual independence and self-accountability. Through "Apna Gareban Chaak," he courageously unveils his inner conflicts and life’s failures, asserting that life is a constant struggle in which one learns and grows through their mistakes. In the present article, the author critically and analytically examines the political implications of this autobiography, keeping this context in view.
1.Javed Iqbal, Dr,Apna Gareban Chaak,Lahore: Sang e Meel Publications,2009,P 48
2.Ibid,P 49
3.Ibid, P 77
4.Ibid,P 108
5.Ibid,P 108
6.Ibid, P 131
7.Ibid, P 196
8.Ibid, P 201
9.Ibid, P 308